Team Care Arrangements (TCA)
This is a further step after the GP Management Plan, which involves at least 2 additional healthcare professionals or medical specialists in the management and treatment of your chronic, ongoing medical problems. Patients may require the services of a physiotherapist, podiatrist, dietician, speech therapist, counsellor etc that would be included in the TCA along with their specialist. The TCA documents the treatment and services required, the collaborating healthcare providers, actions to be taken by the patient, the goals that have been agreed to and a review date of the TCA in approximately 6 months. This information is shared with the other medical services/providers documented in the TCA.
Your doctor may suggest a TCA be undertaken or if you feel that you would benefit from having a TCA, please speak with your doctor to arrange this.
45 to 49 Year Old Health Checks
If you are 45 49 years of age, we would like to invite you to undertake a Health Check at our Surgery. This would involve the doctor discussing your family history, your surgical and medical history and identifying risk factors that may lead to long-term health problems. A physical examination and referral for tests or specialist care will be undertaken if required.This Health Check will be bulk-billed through Medicare, therefore there is no cost to you for this service. We are committed to preventative health care and strongly recommend that you undertake a Health Check.
Your "Health Check" appointment may take up to 30 minutes plus additional time if you require a breathing test or heart monitor (ECG).
Over 75 years of age - Health Assessments
Any regular patient of our practice that is over 75 years of age can have a bulk-billed health assessment done annually.
The idea of this Assessment is to discuss any day to day issues you may have and look at ways to make your life easier to live independently in your own home.
These health assessments are undertaken by our nurses, Marg, Sonja or Julie, who can come to your home or you can see them at our surgery. The visit takes up to 1 hour. A review appointment is then organised with your regular doctor for you to come to the Surgery and discuss your assessment.
If you 'self-identify' as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander please inform our staff or your doctor.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Patients
You may be eligible to access additional services. If you would like to register for the "Closing the Gap" program, please speak with you doctor or our Practice Manager, Tammy Cliff.
You will be required to undertake a health assessment every 9 months.
Click here for further information on this government health initiative.
Reminder Systems
Our practice is committed to preventative care. As a service to our patients we provide a reminder system for recalling patients in the future for various matters eg Cervical screening tests, blood pressure, diabetes etc. If you would like us to set a reminder/recall for a particular reason, just let either your doctor or one of the receptionists know. We also participate in State and Federal reminder and register systems.
We currently utilise SMS messaging for some of our reminders/recalls.
Breast Screening
We recommend routine breast screening for women 50 - 74 years of age.
The BreastScreen NSW mobile unit is regularly at Lake Haven Shopping Centre. Call 13 20 50 to book your free appointment or click here.