Our practice is located at the northern end of the Central Coast, between Gosford and Newcastle. It has been established for over 30 years and is owned by 3 of the doctors working here.
This practice is an Accredited Training Practice. We normally have 1 or 2 registrars at any one time. Dr Grennall and Dr Hood are the supervisors.
We have full-time nursing and reception support. We are fully computerised, have a broad demographic range of patients and proactively practice preventative care as well as service all general practice needs.
Please contact Dr Grennall or Tammy Cliff for further information on seeking a position at our Surgery.
Nursing and Reception Staff
If you are interested in a position at our Surgery, please drop your resume in and it will be kept on file for future reference.
We generally do not advertise our vacancies and welcome your resume.
678 - 680 Pacific Highway (Entry from Queens Rd) Lake Munmorah 2259
View Map
Only telehealth consultations for our regular patients can be made online. Please phone 4358 1107 if you require a face-to-face appointment.
This is a private billing practice
Monday - Friday
Public Holidays8.30am - 5.00pm
9.00am - Close